Floor Plans for Our Passive Solar Barn

We are excited to begin food production on our farm. In preparation we designed and built a barn to house our egg laying chickens and breeding rabbits. The chicken coop occupies one side of the small barn, while the indoor rabbit cages will be installed on the opposite side of the barn. Lofts throughout the barn will provide storage space for animal feed. In the future we plan to add onto the North side for additional hay storage.
The barn is designed to vent passively and maintain comfortable temperatures year-round without using a fan. It will also utilize solar heat to keep the space warm during the winter.
Click here to learn more about our plans for constructing a passive solar barn.
Passive Solar Barn Features
Passive Solar Home Plans
Click here to read about our plans for a passive solar home.
Click here for more about our off grid homestead plan.
Passive Solar Greenhouse Plans
Click here to read about our plans for a passive solar greenhouse.